Financial Derivatives

xRolling® Stocks – Stock Futures

  1. Stocks Perpetual Futures Contracts listed and traded on MEFF and cleared on BME Clearing.

xRolling® Stocks Future features

  • The contracts will be available on the 55 most traded securities on SIBE and distributed by MEFF members.
  • Trading hours are Monday throught Friday from 8:30 a.m. to 5:38 p.m. CET as their underlaying asset:
    • 8:30 a.m. a 9:00 a.m. Opening auction
    • 9:00 a.m. a 5:38 p.m. Trading
  • All the orders have the SIBE book as counterpart with the same prices and volumes. Tight spreads and high volume available.
  • Offers a high level of security. The transactions take place in the MEFF Regulated Market, CCP approved by EMIR.
  • Provides transparency. The price is equal to the spot price proving the return on the underlying shares. xRolling® Stocks ensures fair and transparent price formation.
  • Multilaterality. The client could be financed by any liquidity provider and the liquidity provider could finance any client.

xRolling® Stocks is the perpetual future that brings: Transparency, Security, Multilaterality and Liquidity to institutional and retail investors.

*This contract is subject to the Resolution of July 11, 2023, by the National Securities Market Commission, regarding product intervention measures related to contracts for differences and other leveraged products.

Brochure xRolling® Stocks

For further infromation:

Technical specifications

UNDERLYING ASSET Shares of the companies indicated by Circular.

1 Share.


• For each Underlying Asset, a single perpetual maturity will be open for trading.

• Every Working Day, at the close, the open position of both counterparties in the Contract will be kept open, rolling over both positions.

• The roll over trade will not exist, in its place it will be established by BME CLEARING regulation, a series of payments or deferral flows that will compensate the financial effects of the roll over.


In the same currency in which the Underlying Asset quotes in the Reference Market, with the same tick size as the prices of the shares in that Reference Market.


By differences, in Euros.


The closing price of the Underlying Asset in the Reference Market.


First Business Day following the date of the Transaction.

From 8:30 a.m. to 9:00 a.m. CET

 TRADING HOURS From 9:00 a.m. to 5:38 p.m. CET
Copyright® BME 2025
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