
Backoffice reports

Backoffice information will be provided by BME Clearing. There are two ways in which backoffice reports may be obtained: from the Settlement Website and from the MEFFSTATION.

Settlement Website

MEFFPower offers its Members a web portal with vast information on the activity of the clearing house, and in particular details on member activity, deals crossed, open interest, settlements, margins etc.

Access to this portal is with user ID and password which will be provided by BME Clearing. Should you not have this data yet or should you want an additional User ID, please contact BME Clearing´s helpdesk on +34 91 709 5851 or

This service is offered free of charge and it is only available for MEFFPower members in order to check on their operating data and statistics. Results appear in tables and data may be ordered, filtered, grouped, hidden, arranged etc. The purpose being that entities may personalize the reports generated on their screens, which may also be exportable into different formats (txt, excel or pdf amongst other). Once the initial set-up is changed, it will remain as per the last set-up.


From the MEFFSTATION main menu, using the configuration option, automatic file download at the end of a session can be enabled. Members can configure the files they wish to download and the folder where they want to store them.

Members can force transfer files to be generated from the "actions" option of the main menu at any time during the session. Information about the files available at the start of the session or during the day is provided. Information about settlements and margins is only available at the end of a session.

In the case of remote access, the transfer files are already configured so that they are generated automatically at the end of the session. To see and copy these files once they have been generated, click the desktop icon “Shortcut to TRASPASO”.

If the transfer files are required during the session they can be generated from the actions of the main menu and be downloaded in “Shortcut to TRASPASO”.

If a member has a problem downloading them, the transfer files can be requested to the Market Services Department.

The description of the energy sector clearing transfer files is available in the document MEFFStation Clearing raw data files.

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